Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stuck in a Spiritual Rut? Part 1

Have you ever been in a spiritual rut? Are you in one right now?

Webster dictionary defines a "rut" as:
1. a groove, track, etc., as made by wheels
2. a fixed, routine course of action or thought

In applying Webster's dictionary to a spiritual "rut" it may be defined as:
1. Going through the spiritual motions without really seeing any spiritual progress
2. Doing spiritual things in a monotonous sort of way without enjoying the pleasures of the doing

Does any of this sound familiar to you?  I usually know I am in a spiritual "rut" when I begin to have one or more of the following attitudes:

  • going through the motions of praying and studying the word without a heart that is really willing to change in areas where I know or think its going to be painful
  • seeking the Lord when its convenient for me (not making real sacrifices like waking early and fasting in order to have my attention and heart undivided to the Lord in both attention and appetite)
  • withdrawing from accountability in order that I don't have to be confronted with the areas of my heart and mind in which I am compromising
  • doing what is expected without participating in His power

For the next few days I will be blogging on HOW to get out of a spiritual "rut." I'm a visual learner, so I have a visual illustration to help us envision getting out of a spiritual "rut." If you have ever been in the country you may have seen a vehicle that had a contraption called a "winch" on the front of it. It looks similar
to this:


The purpose of a "winch" is to pull your vehicle out of the mud by attaching the cable or chain to a rock or tree. You can even use it to pull other vehicles out of the mud. The size of your cable determines how much power you will have in pulling yourself out of a rut or ditch.  We are told in 2 Peter 1:3 "that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness." As a child of God, you have been provided with more than enough power for any "rut" in which your stuck, no matter how shallow or deep.

I can't tell you how excited I am about this illustration. It has so many spiritual applications that can be drawn from it. It's the country girl in me!!! I remember seeing a "winch" used many times when I was young girl. It is a fascinating thing to see. These days I don't get out in the physical mud as much. Although, unfortunately, I find myself in spiritual "mud" more than I would like! If you're like me and would like to know HOW to get out of the rut you are in please join me over the next few days as we explore this process.

Before we get started with the HOW of the process, I would love to hear from you all. What do your spiritual "ruts" look like? Please share your thoughts and experiences. It will be helpful to us all to know that we are not alone in our struggles of dealing with spiritual "ruts." It will also help me as I apply this teaching to the different ways in which we struggle with "ruts." 

I so hope to hear from you!

With earnest expectation to get out of the rut!!  Love ya, Tammy


  1. I know that I am in a spiritual rut when I have a hardened heart...not willing to be receptive to hearing God's voice and unwilling to do the hard work that it takes to make changes! Can't wait to hear more... :) --Dawn Burnett

  2. I love the series--- I am in!

    I typed a huge long response and then lost it. Ugh! I will keep it brief... I am in a spiritual "rut" because of a lack of spiritual discipline in my personal walk with the Lord. I have been doing what I want to do instead of daily seeking the Lord, establishing His authority over my life, and living my life in response to Him. The result, my focus has been more on myself instead of my Savior. The Lord really spoke to me today in my quiet time. I was reading and studying Acts 5. I noted the contrast between Ananias/Sapphira and the Apostles. Ananias and Sapphira loved their sin. The result--- death! The Apostles loved their Savior more than the creature comforts of this world. Scripture states that they rejoiced in their beating and valued God's opinion over the opinion of man.

    I want out of this "rut" and I am thankful that Christ has given me His power and that He is a loving and gracious Lord. Thank You, Jesus!


  3. I know that I am stuck in a spiritual "rut" when I allow my mind to control my thought process and my actions. Our minds are very strong and if we allow them they can control us in a negative way. Col. 3:2 says "Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth" 1 Peter 1:13 says "Therfore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesuse Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your condunct because it is written, Be holy for I am holy." I prasie God that He guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, when we allow Him to! When I want out of my "rut" I meditate on God's Holy Word!

  4. I read all your post on this topic and I love the analogy you used. Very thorough approach and key questions you posed for one to examine themselves.
