Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Joy of Kite Flying

While taking a break from homeschooling to enjoy the beautiful weather outside, Andie quickly realized that the strong breeze translated into a perfect day to fly a kite. She was right. We barely walked outside with the kite to find the wind already had taken control of it. She was enjoying the ease in which the kite sailed through the sky and whipped back and forth. As I watched her and gave her pointers for keeping the kite safe and in flight, I thought of the similarities of the wind to the Holy Spirit indwelling the life of a believer.
The first thing that occurred to me was how easy it was to fly the kite when there was a strong breeze. In contrast, I thought of all the times we had tried to fly a kite when there wasn’t enough wind to take it up. It’s quite exhausting. Something about running around and throwing the kite up in the air only to watch it come crashing down drains you of the enjoyment that should be found in flying a kite. I liken it to moving and working apart from the Spirit of God. Many times I find myself wanting something to happen in my life so badly that I try to move this way and that only to find myself exhausted and drained of any real joy. Oh, how I only want to move and respond to the Spirit working in my life and not to the exhausting efforts of my own flesh. Working outside the Spirit’s leading will only deplete me of the joy that is mine in Christ. In 1 Corinthians 2, Paul acknowledges his own dependence on the Spirit of God to lead, guide and instruct him. Although Paul was a former Pharisee and would be considered an expert in the law of God, He admitted that he knew nothing apart from Christ. He affirmed that he relied upon the Spirit and power of God completely. Do I rely on the Spirit and power of God to lead and guide me where He wants me to go or do I make my own plans and expect God to bless them with His power?
Secondly, we learned that staying away from those things that would interfere with the kite flying was of utmost importance. Trees and houses should be completely avoided. As I instructed Andie to make sure she was careful to stay away from those things that would interfere with the kite flying, I thought of how a follower of Christ, who is being led by the Spirit should also stay away from those things that could easily devastate the joy of the flight of a believer. Paul expressed his concern for the church at Corinth that their minds could be led astray from the simple and pure devotion to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3) I can follow the Spirit’s leading and as soon as things get challenging or difficult, my mind can put me on the roof of fear and complacency. If I listen to those who preach a gospel that is always supposed to be easy and without suffering, I can end up stuck in a tree of doubt and anger. I must fly (walk) by the Spirit and I will not carry out the desires of my flesh (interferences). (Galatians 5:16) Am I easily distracted by the interferences of the world or do I consistently renew my mind with God’s word? (Romans 12:2)?
Lastly, I felt the joy that was found in flying a kite that was being carried by the wind. Andie and I watched as the kite would zip above our heads as the wind carried it here and there. It was a joyous thing to watch as that Dora the Explorer kite with its long pink tail flew high in the sky. Yes, there were other things we could’ve been doing. There was still school work that needed to be done and there was laundry that needed to be folded and put up. If I focused on the other things, I would not have enjoyed the moment that was at hand. Similarly, when I am being led by the Spirit and joining in His work, I must be careful not to focus on all the other things.(Luke 10:42) God desires that I enjoy the fruit of what He is doing in and through me at that moment. Do I find the joy of loving and responding to the Spirit of God working in my life or do I focus on the other things that I could be doing?
Just as flying a kite results in immense joy, even more so, living by the Spirit will bear the fruit of joy. (Galatians 5:23) Have you learned some lessons of how to enjoy the fruit of the Spirit?  If so, please share.

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